Luke 5:12-16 – He Makes the Unclean Clean

Matt Brown considers the importance of Jesus’ cleansing work in the life of someone who was unclean.

Message notes:

  1. The man’s condition
    1. Full of leprosy
    2. Full of faith — “Lord if you will, you can…”
  2. Jesus’ response
    1. Willingness — “I will”
    2. Power — “be clean”
  3. Leprosy and healing — A picture, not the point
    1. Uncleanness of sin (Matthew 15:17-20)
    2. Extent of depravity — full
    3. Cleansing from sin through Jesus Christ
      1. Actual — not just a declaration
      2. Through the sin offering of Christ (Hebrews 10:11-13)

The text is from Luke 5:12-16.