
The elders of Faith Baptist affirm the five solas of the reformation;

  1. Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
  2. Sola fide: “faith alone”
  3. Sola gratia: “grace alone”
  4. Solo Christo: “Christ alone”
  5. Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone”
Our Covenant Convictions:

We believe in one God, Creator and Ruler of all things, who is all knowing, all-powerful, ever present, and changeless in his perfection.  He is holy, righteous, faithful, merciful, loving, just and forgiving.

We believe in one God who exists from all eternity in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit equal in every divine perfection.  God the Father, an infinite personal Spirit, is a God of holy love, who hears and answers prayer and mercifully calls and saves all who come to him through faith in Christ his Son.

We believe in Jesus, the Christ, and the Son of God, miraculously born of a virgin, wholly God and wholly man.  We believe in his sinless life and in his miraculous works, demonstrating his power.  Jesus died for our sins as an atoning sacrifice, bearing the wrath of God in our place.  He was buried and was raised again on the third day, the victor over sin, death and Satan. Many eyewitnesses saw him, and then ascended into heaven, where he now intercedes for us.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who indwells all who believe.  The Holy Spirit opens sinners’ hearts so they repent and confess, “Jesus is Lord”; all believers are baptized by one Spirit into one body, Christ’s church. The Spirit gifts and empowers Christians for a variety of ministries; thus the unity and the diversity of the church are both the work of one and the same Spirit.  The Spirit guides believers into all truth and seals them for the day of redemption.

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, complete and inerrant in the original manuscripts, and of supreme authority in the church and the life of the believer in all matters of faith and conduct.  The Scriptures lead us to Christ for salvation.

We believe that God created the universe out of nothing by his powerful word.  He created Adam and Eve in the image of God as the pinnacle of his creative work. But man rebelled against his Creator, thus bringing upon himself and creation the just wrath of God.  All descendants of Adam are born in sin, with a sinful nature and need to be saved from sin. God provided His own Son as sacrifice for that sin and calls all people everywhere to repent and trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross for their salvation.

We believe salvation, the gift of God, is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. When we respond in faith to God’s gift, the result is a changed life. This changed life expresses itself in love, righteous living and proper concern for others. His power and His love will sustain all that trust in Jesus Christ forever.

We believe in the church, created and ruled by Christ.  All who believe are members of the church universal. The local church, the local expression of Christ’s body, exists to bring glory to God by worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, edifying its membership to maturity and ministry, and preaching Christ to the lost.  According to the command of Christ there are two gospel ordinances; baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  We believe baptism to be the immersion of the believer as a symbol of a changed life, upon confession of faith in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  In the same way, the Lord’s Supper, represented by the sharing of bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood, is a worshipful remembrance of Christ’s death until he returns for his own.  We believe each local church is a self-governing body under the authority of Christ and must be free to serve Christ without external compulsion or interference.  We also believe in the interdependence of local churches and the mutual submission of believers to each other in love.

We believe in Christ’s personal return in power and glory and in his future kingdom.  All people will be raised bodily from the grave, the righteous to the resurrection of life, the unrighteous to the resurrection of wrath.  Those who accept salvation by Christ will live with God eternally; those who reject Christ will suffer eternal torment, the consequence of their self-chosen way.