Luke 11:14-23 – The Power of Christ and a Kingdom Come
Jesus makes clear that casting out a demon is a display of his power and a proof of God’s kingdom come to all who will receive it. The text is from Luke 11:14-23.
Jesus makes clear that casting out a demon is a display of his power and a proof of God’s kingdom come to all who will receive it. The text is from Luke 11:14-23.
Why is prayer worthwhile? Because God’s nature and character mean that he will hear, listen, and answer, as Pastor Michael Rattin points out from the examples Jesus gives in Luke 11:5-13.
Examining the last part of Luke’s version of the Lord’s Prayer, Pastor Michael Rattin considers what it means to ask the Father to not lead us into tempation.
Pastor Michael Rattin considers the call found in the Lord’s Prayer to forgive as we have been forgiven. Stemming from so deep a forgiveness that we have received, this seemingly simple call to forgive others proves difficult – but necessary. The text is from Luke 11:4.